

Hi there, welcome to Coffeelipinas.

I am Randy, a Coffee Enthusiast.

As we travel to different places in the Philippines, it is still great do drop by to a coffee shop to get a kick of caffeine for a long ride or just hang out in a comfortable ambiance with mouth watering aroma filling the air away from the commercialized coffee shops. But then the question is, will there be a coffee shop who can give me this? That's where Coffeelipinas.com kicks in.

Coffeelipinas.com is where you will find different home-grown coffee shops on different provinces in the Philippines. Haunting for the next big spot to hang on and enjoy a cup of Coffee.

Now switch on the machine, pull that freshly open beans, froth that cold fresh milk then pour it on your espresso taking every sip as a gift from God.


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